A Simple Blog Promotion Tip For Newbies.
Two big Link baits were snared out this week. One was Top 100 Make Money Online Blogs churned out by Forty Five and Five that brought Mark significant traffic and back links. He made 2 videos detailing his bait and how he managed to bring to the attention of all the blogs in his top hundred list by sending out emails to those in the List. I have included Part 2 of his video at the end of this post Part One can be viewed at his blog of if you are a John Chow reader, you would have caught it in his blog.
The latest big bait, which I came to know via Problogger, is NorthxEast’s Fifty Most Influential Blogger. That post, which must have taken Leo some days to come up, apart from getting the attention of the 50 top bloggers around, also garnered Leo 174 saves to del.icio.us, 9 Stumbles and a whopping 468 Diggs. I am surprised his server hasn’t crashed yet. If you are a newbie, I hope you can bookmark all those 50 blogs. There are tons of information there. I have gone a step further. I added most of them in my blogroll which you can see in my Links page. They will come in handy one day when you decide to implement what I am about to suggest to you. This are the kind of baits that I take willingly. Not the other kind which tries to cheat you with a lousy bait.
First let’s go back to Mark’s email promotion tips. He advised 3 things which I think everyone should follow when doing such a promotion.
Note 1: ONLY promote your BEST content
Note 2: Don’t sell. Maybe suggest they pass the content along, but that’s it. The ONLY goal is to make people aware of your great content. It’s up to them what to do with it.
Note 3: Never email somebody more than once (twice max) per month for promoting your content.
The first 2 advise is easy. The third one will create some stress for those who can come up with “BEST” contents more than twice a month. Since and I fully agree, we should never bother big timers more than once or twice a month with our pesky little emails, what happens if you come up with a really best post, better than the one that you have already promoted, within one month? You have no one to pester anymore. Now, that is where your bookmarks will come in handy.
Keep at least 50 to 100 top blogs in your bookmarks but never be greedy to use up all your ammunition in one go. Anyway, I don’t think anyone can send 100 emails of the same nature in one go unless you bundle all those emails into a list and mass email them. Then it will look terrible and not very sincere in you part and the whole promotion exercise will be in vain. So for your first “Best” Post, send out 30 or may 40 emails. That leaves you with many “reserves” that you can utilise when you come up with your “Bestest” post in the next few days.
Hope my little tip here makes sense, as I am learning myself, but this post is specially done in response to Daily Blog Tips - Blog Writing Project. Okay, another tip, Blog Writing Projects is also a fantastic way to expose your blog, so if you want some good publicity, hop over to Daily Blog Tips for more info.
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