How to Get Approval from Google Adsense
confused list google adsense repeatedly but not yet -approve? how does manner so that enrollment google adsense we fast -approve? may be tips next can help. before sign-up google adsense, there necessary we look at. sign-up as publisher google adsense doesn't as we sign-up to get email or blog free, although sign-up adsense also free. many publisher in all the world that try ‘bermain api’ with adsense, but finally account adsense they are -banned or disable, alias closed forever. if -banned, so we can not again register self by the name of and address same forever. google very very serious in this case.
well, if understand with warning on and ready for be publisher adsense, so we are necessary prepare several things so that our enrollments is easy -approve.
- make account email from google (gmail) because gmail service product google also. for not yet has account gmail can read the pilot at pilot make email at google
- our email account will be used also as account blogger and account google adsense all at once. so best we simplify our self with sign-ups gmail in advance.
- use blog free from blogger (especially if not yet has site other) to registerred concurrent our self enrollment. for not yet know, blogger also be service product from google.
second, contents site/blog we must as according to willing by google. contents site/blog best:
- use language -support google, one of them english. don't ever will register site/blog with indonesian because will not -approve. for not english cock, i there are some tips later can you read at my study case. . this english use only at the (time) of sign-ups, if later -approve so advertisement adsense can we display at your country site.
- contents site must related one another, has discussion theme sameness. don't until there contents not nyambung the criticism one with other.
- don't ever fill site/blog with article at copy-paste from site article other. don't take another person site contents as contents site/blog we, although with trik will whatever because google will know that contents we bot a result of ourselves work and break copyright. i don't say that by copy-paste our site is certain be aversed, but i and friends has tried repeatedly with all trik but up to today not membuah result. best ‘type self your article! ’ but also don't type to repeat another person site article, because all the same with copy-paste a while ago. google wish for something that fresh and doesn't break copyright.
- contents/article contents don't too a little, more many better but must keep in touch one another. to blog minimal has 10 or more postingan.
- site may not full to the effect that pornographic, hard words and abuse, sara and violence, about hacking/cracking, ilegal/criminal activity, drug, gambling/casino, victimization, alcoholic drink promotion, and may not break another person copyright. the main must has family safe, matters that defy world cyber law also real world law best don't putted into to into site/blog that we shall register.
- contents site/blog we must has informative and be of benefit to site visitor. google very gl with site that like this.
third, before registerred to ascertain site/blog we thoroughly finished and not in working stage. don't there broken link or link can not open yard that meant. investigate site/blog up to we don't find deficit and error again.
fourth, if we are registered as member affiliasi or referral site other, can we insert but try at least connected sengan theme site/blog. don't put into affiliation/referral doesn't connected absolutely. and above all, don't display advertisement ppc another because google doesn't want advertisement adsense put concurrent with advertisement ppc of a kind from company another (likes ypn or chitika). try only affiliation/referral.
fifth, if make possible there is nothing wrong insert pothouse video from youtube at blog blogger, because youtube also be family google in this time.
sixth, prepare our official identity appropriate identity card. don't ever sign-up adsense with different data, for example name, don't use unique name or nickname. because at the (time) of liquefy cheque from google at bank, so bank operator needs identity card as our identity proof valid. if name included at payment cheque google with our identity card is differ, so our cheque will not be liquefied. mortallyer again, once -approve registered by the name of, so there is no possibility for us to change our name at account adsense. therefore, data contents as according to our identity card and write address with your language, anyway, deliver the payment cheque to our house … if cheque doesn't find our address, so payment cheque will be returned to google.
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