How To Make Blog, Web Hosting And AdSense At WordPress
as information, that in this time precisely several weeks ago if dns to 000webhost. com turn into ns01.000webhost. com and ns02.000webhost. com, so that postingan i am my earlier turns into Justify Fullto like this.
at typing browser: co. cc
then will enter on page web face co. cc, afterwards choose: “get free domain”
afterwards insert in box kailable to name domain you, example: freedomain, this is later if accepted and there is no that wear will be name from domain you, so that your web address is “freedomain. co. cc”
after be approved that must you look at domain free or you are asked to pay. if name whom you choose a while ago free so after you put into name then press “enter” will appear message “availabel free” but if pay usually appear “…$ /years” if appear such as those which end, do over until appear such as those which beginning.
afterwards you are asked to do registration domain, will follow then you will meet box that order you put into e-mail you and password, this is special for the things ever register domain. if not yet. choose new account situated rather be box. your the kernel puts self data and e-mail you. every e-mail at co. cc can be used to make 3 names domain. then you must register, remember then e-mail and password.
afterwards will appear yard that prepare 2 choices for domain you (freedomain. co. cc) that is:
option 1: manage dns (advanced service / it can be memfficult). and
option 2: url forwarding (simple service / it is easy to everyone
choose option 1, then don't forget to click manage name servers(ns).
then fill in in:
server name 1 with: ns01.000webhost. com
name server 2 with: ns02.000webhost. com
terminate with click setup domain. until this finished maker process domain.
furthermore because you use name server from 000webhost. com so now you must do registration at 000webhost. com, at your browser inserts 000webhost. com then choose order now, then insert name domain you a while ago (here for example: freedomain. co. cc) and all that asked there. follow the command. and read every instruction from perintah2. if you are asked for confirmation passes e-mail follow and open e-mail you then follow the command from there.
after finished you at will give list account that explain email and your password, cpanel user and password, ftp host, user ftp, and password ftp. usually user and password ftp equal to user and password cpanel. if you stop until here you leav at the post until domain you are mobile that is approximately 2 times 24 clocks.
to put into or install wordpress here there two manners:
you can upload self file wordpress if not yet has you can download from wordpress. org pass site software exist in cpanel. mean you must logging formerly at cpanel. at browser types: (name domain you that is: freedomain. co. cc/cpanel) insert user and password from list account you a while ago. afterwards choose site software. as information begins this april month 000webhost. com prepare service fantastico. so besides site your software can choose fantastico or one click mintenance.
if you wear fantastico, after you will click software will appear yard fantastico then will choose wordpress then will follow the command. after all your process have followed to mean finished you have done installs wordpress. and installation result wordpress located in directory public_html.
mean to open your yard lives to inscribe: freedomain. co. cc (as according to name domain you a while ago).
for replacement theme and the other same like blog at …wordpress. com.
for that want increase theme mean must upload theme self. to get theme you can downloaded freely at website wordpress in the form of zip folder later before mengupload must at exstract formerly but upload so rather long.
afterwards please upload file theme in directory themes at hosting you; so the location at: public_html/wp-content/themes
to pair code adsense you must do change in chmode in every themes that you will use. this matter is to shows button “update” in every part at themes editor later.
for that enter at manager file from cpanel you, choose wp-content, then themes, then will open folder themes that you will use and say the word to tick off all in his files. afterwards click change permision then say the word to tick off again on page that appear and terminate with click change permision again.
to replaced theme enter at domain you (are example = freedomain. co. cc/wp-login. php) then insert user and password whom you got moment install wordpress a while ago. remember don't until forget password. usually user always admin. afterwards you will enter in facia blog or your web. live to choose “presentation”àlalu theme-àlalu choose teheme that you are fox chmode he a while ago.
to put into code adsense or java script choose theme editor, then will choose files everything that you will use to will put code adsense. for example l-sidebar, mean in general you put code adsense at part lajur(kolom) left side if r_sidebar mean column right side. terminate with click update.
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