
Coherence. Do you have it?

Coherence is a logical and consistent connection between the parts of a whole. For instance, if when you write the words, sentences and ideas fit well together, your writing is coherent.

coherence.gifCoherence is walking the talk, practicing what you preach. Right, you say, but what does it have to do with blogging?

Well, coherence is a vital part of any endeavor in life, and blogging is no exception. Being coherent will help you build credibility, which is very important for any successful blog. Secondly, it will also ensure that you get your priorities straight.

Pragmatically speaking, here are some examples of lack of coherence on a blog:

  • You have serious blogging plans, but you decide to go with Blogger instead of buying your own domain name
  • You say you care for your readers, but you rarely answer to comments or e-mails
  • Growing the traffic and popularity of your blog is your main objective, but there are annoying advertisings all over the place
  • You say you are committed to your blog, but you don’t have a fixed posting frequency

What about you, are you coherent with your blog?
