

Google's Profit and Sales Leap, Firing a Rally

Google has defied the skeptics. The Web search leader reported third-quarter earnings that far exceeded the expectations of analysts, especially those who thought the company might finally fall victim to the slumping economy. Thanks largely to having contained costs better than in previous quarters, Google reported on Oct. 16 that profit rose 26%, to $1.35 billion, significantly higher than analysts had predicted. Sales jumped 31%, to $5.54 billion.

Relieved investors propelled the stock higher by as much as 10% after the results were released. The rally followed a 4% gain, to 353.02, which mirrored a broader market surge in regular trading. Until Oct. 16, Google's stock had plunged 53% this year.

In a conference call with analysts, Google (GOOG) executives sounded the familiar, confident notes of the past several quarters. "The economic situation today is globally worse than what people were predicting just a month ago," CEO Eric Schmidt said. "But we're optimistic about Google's future." The comments resembled those of about a month ago, when Schmidt said the "drama is in New York, not here," and "it's business as usual at Google."

Analysts Had Cut Targets

Schmidt's remarks—and the numbers that back them up—underscore Google's resilience, even as growth slows in overall online advertising. Search-related ads, which make up the bulk of Google's sales, appeal to advertisers because they reach customers ready to buy and because their results can be measured, analysts and Google executives say. "Advertisers are willing to take all the clicks we can give them" at current prices, Hal Varian, Google's chief economist, said during the conference call. A recession will prompt consumers to use search even more frequently to find deals, Varian said.

Google's profit per share, before stock option expenses, was $4.92—17¢ over expectations of $4.75. Net revenue of $4.04 billion, after payments to partners that run Google ads on their sites, was just a hair below the $4.06 billion expected by analysts. However, many analysts were informally assuming earnings might undershoot previous forecasts and have been reducing estimates and price targets in recent weeks.

Much of the earnings surprise came because Google slowed expense growth. The company hired 519 people in the quarter, compared with 2,130 a year earlier. It also reduced once-rampant capital spending by 18%, to $452 million. "Across all categories of expenses, people have been very diligent" in watching costs, Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette said. Rob Sanderson, an analyst with American Technology Research, said investors are relieved that Google is willing to keep a lid on expenses to buoy profit.
Online Advertising: Slowdown Evident

While growth in the U.S. continues at a respectable pace, some analysts saw cause for concern in Europe. Although most regions experienced "solid" growth, according to Pichette, revenue in Britain rose only 17% from a year earlier, compared with a 29% gain in the second quarter. "That is going to spread into Continental Europe," Sanderson says.

Google beat forecasts despite a negative impact from the strengthening dollar, which reduced effective earnings because of Google's significant international business, which accounted for 51% of sales. That's likely to continue into the fourth quarter and next year, even with a currency hedging program that began last quarter.

Encouraging third-quarter results aside, Google may not be able to withstand the headwinds of a protracted recession, which economists see as increasingly likely. "We're starting to see evidence of a slowdown in online advertising," says Jonathan Weitz, an analyst at Interactive Broadband Consulting Group. Recent Interactive Advertising Bureau figures showed the first quarter-to-quarter decline in ad spending since 2004, Weitz noted. A recession could affect even search advertising, especially because it is driven by small and midsize businesses—which may be especially hurt by falling consumer demand and a scarcity of funds as banks curtail lending.
Search Ads Keep Selling

And even if companies keep spending on search ads, it's possible that consumers who click on them will end up choosing to buy less frequently. This, in turn, would make the ads less effective for advertisers, who could then bid less for ads placed alongside Google's search results. A new study by search marketing firm SearchIgnite, for instance, found a trouble spot: Retailers in particular are starting to reduce search ad spending, which slid 10% in September.

For now, however, overall search-related advertising is holding up, and that's good news for Google. "Search is not immune to macroeconomic gyrations," says Craig Macdonald, vice-president for marketing and product management at Covario, which makes online-marketing analysis software. "But [Google] will be the last to be affected," he adds. According to SearchIgnite, overall U.S. spending on search ads rose 27% in the third quarter. "Our clients continue to want to spend on search," says Kevin Lee, CEO of search marketing firm "Like it or not, paid search is the front door to your store."

Another reason Google's results may not reflect the larger picture in Internet advertising is the company's sheer dominance. Covario estimates that Google accounted for nearly 83% of search ad spending in the U.S. and more than 95% in Europe. Because of that lead in one of the fastest-growing segments of Internet advertising, the results shed little light on the broader market—in particular on the climate for Yahoo (YHOO), which reports its third quarter on Oct. 21.

Given the market meltdown of the past few weeks, Schmidt conceded that the economy is in "uncharted territory." As a result, analysts may remain cautious on Google's prospects. "There's a lot of doubt about whether the 2009 estimates are too high," says John Aiken, managing director of Majestic Research. Currently the consensus is for 23% revenue growth. Aiken thinks that 20% is more likely, and even 15% is possible. But for one more quarter, at least, Google has held the bears at bay.


Kasasi Ditolak, Ketua DPRD Subang Masuk Lapas

SUBANG- Setelah upaya kasasinya di Mahkamah Agung (MA) ditolak, Ketua DPRD Subang, Bambang Herdadi akhirnya resmi menjadi anggota baru Lembaga Pemasyarakat Klas II Subang.

Dalam amar putusan MA yang diterima pihak Kejari Subang pada 3 November lalu, dijelaskan terdakwa terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan telah melakukan perbuatan tindak pidana korupsi (tipikor) yang dilakukan secara bersama dan berlanjut, sesuai yang tertuang dalam pasal 3 UU No 31/1999 Jo UU No. 20/2001 Jo Pasal 35 (1) ke 1 Jo Pasal 64 (1) KUHP.

Bambang dinyatakan secara sah terbukti melakukan tindak pidana korupsi terkait pengadaan asuransi bagi 45 anggota DPRD Subang, tahun 2005 lalu. Atas putusan MA itu, Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Subang Yusron menyatakan terhitung sejak mulai hari ini terpidana mendekam di Lapas Subang, hingga satu tahun ke depan.

"Selain divonis kurungan penajara, terpidana juga harus membayar ganti rugi keruigan negera sebesar Rp104.400.000. Kalau sampai batas waktu yang telah ditentukan ia tidak mampu menyerahkan uang tersebut, maka kami akan menyita hartanya," kata Kejari Yusron.

Putusan MA tersebut tertuang dalam Nomor 1760/K/Pid/2007 tersebut, memperkuat dan memperbaharui putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Bandung sebelumnya dengan No 372/Pid/2006 tertanggal 30 Januari 2007 yang menguatkan putusan PN Subang No 193/Pid.B/2005/PN.SBG tanggal 6 Juli 2006.

Sekedar diketahui, kasus ini terjadi pada tahun 2005 lalu. Pihak Pengadilan Negeri SUbang menjatuhkan vonis satu tahun penjara pada tahun 2006. Bambang sendiri melakukan upaya banding dan kasasi di tingkat MA. Namun uapay hukumnya ditolak. (annas nashrullah)



'SNORT' merupakan salah satu software untuk mendeteksi intrusi pada system, mampu menganalisa 'real-time traffic' dan logging ip, mampu menganalisa port dan mendeteksi segala macam 'serangan' dari luar seperti buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting. secara default nya snort mempunyai 3 hal yang terpenting yaitu :
(1) paket sniffer, seperti tcpdump, iptraf dll
(2) paket logger, yang berguna untuk paket traffic dll
(3) NIDS, deteksi intrusi pada network.

Pada dunia keamanan jaringan informasi banyak profesional yang sangat tertarik pada honeypots karena seorang pengamat serangan akan dapat melihat informasi secara nyata tentang suatu serangan. Kita sering mendengar tentang perusakkan sebuah situs web atau sebuah sistem keamanan jaringan pada bank yang di-hack, tetapi kebanyakan dari kita tidak mengetahui bagaimana si penyerang masuk dan apa yang
sesungguhnya terjadi. Salahsatu hal yang bisa didapat dengan honeypots adalah informasi bagaimana seorang penyerang dapat menerobos dan apa yang sudah dilakukannya.
1. Definisi
Berikut adalah definisi dari Honeypots dari dua orang yang memiliki kompetensi pada penelitian tentang honeypots.

Definisi dari L. Spitzner1 tentang istilah Honeypots adalah sebagai berikut:
“A honeypot is a resource whose value is being in attacked or compromised. This
means, that a honeypot is expected to get probed, attacked and potentially exploited.
Honeypots do not fix anything. They provide us with additional, valuable

Definisi lain dari Retto Baumann2 & Christian Plattner3:
“A honeypot is a resource which pretends to be a real target. A honeypot is expected
to be attacked or compromised. The main goals are the distraction of an attacker and
the gain of information about an attack and the attacker.”

Pada dasarnya honeypots adalah suatu alat untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang penyerang. Selanjutnya administrator jaringan dapat mempelajari aktifitas-aktifitas yang dapat merugikan dan melihat kecenderungan dari aktifitas tersebut. Honeypots adalah sebuah sistem yang dirancang untuk diperiksa dan diserang.

2 Istilah Honeypots
Istilah honeypots pertama kali didiskusikan di sejumlah paper yang sangat bagus oleh beberapa tokoh sistem keamanan jaringan komputer:
• Cliff Stoll’s Cukoo’s Egg
• Steve Bellovin & Bill Cheswick’s “An Evening with Berferd.”4
Keduanya memberikan contoh penggunaan teknologi jail-type untuk menangkap session dari seorang penyerang sistem keamanan jaringan, dan memonitor secara terperinci apa yang dilakukan oleh penyerang. Istilah honeypots kemudian muncul. Sistem honeypots lama biasanya hanya berupa sebuah sistem yang dihubungkan dengan jaringan produktif yang ada dengan tujuan untuk memikat penyerang.

3 Kategori Honeypots
Ada dua kategori honeypots5:
1. Production Honeypots
2. Research Honeypots

Production honeypots digunakan untuk mengurangi resiko serangan pada system keamanan jaringan informasi dalam sebuah organisasi. Reasearch honeypots digunakan untuk medapatkan informasi sebanyak mungkin tentang penyerang sehingga seorang administrator dapat mempelajari informasi tersebut.

Beberapa kalangan memperdebatkan apakah benar honeypots menambah nilai padasuatu sistem keamanan jaringan informasi. Salahsatu cara untuk mencobanya adalah dengan cara melihat dari berapa lama honeypots memberikan waktu pada administrator untuk bereaksi sejak saat serangan itu masuk, sehingga seorang administrator dapat melindungi jaringan produktifnya. Jika dalam 15-20 menit, maka
honeypots tersebut akan mempunyai nilai tambah. Informasi penyerang yang sudah dipelajari juga akan memberikan nilai tambah pada sistem kemanan jaringan, karena sebuah serangan balasan yang tepat akan dapat dibuat untuk pertahanan terhadap serangan baru tersebut.



Squid adalah sebuah penampilan yang bagus bagi dari server cacking proxy untuk klient web, pendukung FTP, gopher dan obyek data HTTP. Tak seperti software cacking tradisional , squid menangani semua permintaan dalam bentuk singgle , non bloking, proses I/O driven. Squid menyimpan data meta dan khususnya obyek panas yang tersembunyi dalam RAM, menyembunyikan DNS lookups, mendukung DNS lookups yang tak memihak, dan cacking negatif dari permintaan yang digagalkan .

Squid mendukung SSL,kontrol akses yang extensif dan loging permintaan penuh. Dengan menggunakan ukuran berat internet cache protokol, squid dapat disusun dalam sebuah hirarki untuk pengamanan bandwidth extra squid terdiri dari sebuah squid program main server, sebuah dnsserver program lookups Domain Name Systim, beberapa program untuk menulis kembali permintaan-permintaan dan keoutentikan penampilan , dan beberapa menegemen dan alat-alat klient.

Pada saat squid dihidupkan maka akan menghasilkan angka dari proses dnsserver dalam jumlah yang banyak yang bisa mengkonfigurasi,masing-masing dapat menunjukkan Domain Name System lookups tunggal dan memihak . Ini menurunkan jumlah waktu
cache yang menunggu DNS lookups.

Bagaimanakah menerapkan Transparent Caching dengan menggunakan Squid ?
Transparent caching dapat diterapkan dengan 3 cara :
• Kebijaksanaan yang berdasarkan routing
• Menggunakan smart switching
• Dengan memasang kotak squid sebagai Gateway


Instrusion Detection System (IDS)

IDS dibagi dalam 2 jenis yaitu Network Instrusion Detection System (NIDS) dan Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). Fungsi dari IDS ini sendiri adalah untuk mendeteksi suatu kejanggalan dari suatu system atau network yang terjadi sesuai dengan jenis tipe yang ada berdasarkan rules. Signature-based Intrusion Detection System. Pada metode ini, telah tersedia daftar signature yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai apakah paket yang dikirimkan berbahaya atau tidak. Sebuah paket data akan dibandingkan dengan daftar yang sudah ada. Metode ini akan melindungi sistem dari jenis-jenis serangan yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, untuk tetap menjaga keamanan sistem jaringan komputer, data signature yang ada harus tetap ter-update.\\\ Salah satu jenis IDS yang populer adalah SNORT. Aplikasi ini banyak digunakan oleh para admin (termasuk di kampus kita/ masuk golongan mayoritas euy..)dan hacker di dunia. Bahkan di situsnya sites)(approve sites)(approve sites) mengklaim bahwa SNORT menjadi standar de facto berikut kutipannya.

".....With millions of downloads to date, Snort is the most widely deployed intrusion detection and prevention technology worldwide and has become the de facto standard for the industry."

Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System. Pada metode ini, pengelola jaringan harus melakukan konfigurasi terhadap IDS dan IPS, sehingga IDS dan IPS dapat mengatahui pola paket seperti apa saja yang akan ada pada sebuah sistem jaringan komputer. Sebuah paket anomali adalah paket yang tidak sesuai dengan kebiasaan jaringan komputer tersebut. Apabila IDS dan IPS menemukan ada anomali pada paket yang diterima atau dikirimkan, maka IDS dan IPS akan memberikan peringatan pada pengelola jaringan (IDS) atau akan menolak paket tersebut untuk diteruskan (IPS). Untuk metode ini, pengelola jaringan harus terus-menerus memberi tahu IDS dan IPS bagaimana lalu lintas data yang normal pada sistem jaringan.

komputer tersebut, untuk menghindari adanya salah penilaian oleh IDS atau IPS. Penggunaan IDS dan IPS pada sistem jaringan komputer dapat mempergunakan sumber daya komputasi yang cukup besar, dan khusus untuk IPS, dengan adanya IPS maka waktu yang dibutuhkan sebuah paket untuk dapat mencapai host tujuannya menjadi semakin lama, tidak cocok untuk aplikasi-aplikasi yang membutuhkan pengiriman data secara real-time. Selain itu IDS dan IPS masih membuka kesempatan untuk terjadinya false-postive dimana sebuah paket yang aman dinyatakan berbahaya dan false-negative dimana paket yang berbahaya dinyatakan aman. Untuk mengurangi tingkat false-positive dan false-negative, perlu dilakukan pembaharuan secara rutin terhadap sebuah IDS dan IPS. Dalam implementasinya, IDS adalah sebuah unit host yang terhubung pada sebuah hub/switch dan akan menerima salinan dari paket-paket yang diproses oleh hub/switch tersebut. Sedangkan untuk IPS biasanya diletakkan pada unit yang sama dengan firewall dan akan memproses paket-paket yang lewat melalui firewall tersebut. Sedangkan pada IDS berbasiskan host, IDS akan memeriksa aktivitas system call, catatan kegiatan dan perubahan pada sistem berkas pada host tersebut untuk mencari anomali atau keanehan yang menandakan adanya usaha dari pihak luar untuk menyusup kedalam sistem. IDS berbasiskan host akan membantu pengelola sistem untuk melakukan audit trail terhadap sistem apabila terjadi penyusupan dalam sistem.


Tipe-Tipe Firewall

1 .Packet Filtering Router
Packet Filtering diaplikasikan dengan cara mengatur semua packet IP baik yang menuju, melewati atau akan dituju oleh packet tersebut. Pada tipe ini packet tersebut akan diatur apakah akan di terima dan diteruskan atau di tolak. Penyaringan packet ini di konfigurasikan untuk menyaring packet yang akan di transfer secara dua arah (baik dari dan ke jaringan lokal). Aturan penyaringan didasarkan pada header IP dan transport header, termasuk juga alamat awal(IP) dan alamat tujuan (IP), protokol transport yang di gunakan(UDP,TCP), serta nomor port yang digunakan. Kelebihan dari tipe ini adalah mudah untuk di implementasikan, transparan untuk pemakai, relatif lebih cepat.

Adapun kelemahannya adalah cukup rumitnya untuk menyetting paket yang akan difilter secara tepat, serta lemah dalam hal authentikasi.

Adapun serangan yang dapat terjadi pada firewall dengan tipe ini adalah:

 IP address spoofing : Intruder (penyusup) dari luar dapat melakukan ini dengan cara menyertakan/menggunakan ip address jaringan lokal yang telah diijinkan untuk melalui firewall.
 Source routing attacks : Tipe ini tidak menganalisa informasi routing sumber IP, sehingga memungkinkan untuk membypass firewall.
 Tiny Fragment attacks : Intruder membagi IP kedalam bagian-bagian (fragment) yang lebih kecil dan memaksa terbaginya informasi mengenai TCP header. Serangan jenis ini di design untuk menipu aturan penyaringan yang bergantung kepada informasi dari TCP header.
Penyerang berharap hanya bagian (fragment) pertama saja yang akan di periksa dan sisanya akan bisa lewat dengan bebas. Hal ini dapat di tanggulangi dengan cara menolak semua packet dengan protokol TCP dan memiliki Offset = 1 pada IP fragment (bagian IP)

2. Application-Level Gateway
Application-level Gateway yang biasa juga di kenal sebagai proxy server yang berfungsi untuk memperkuat/menyalurkan arus aplikasi. Tipe ini akan mengatur semua hubungan yang menggunakan layer aplikasi ,baik itu FTP, HTTP, GOPHER dll.
Cara kerjanya adalah apabila ada pengguna yang menggunakan salah satu aplikasi semisal FTP untuk mengakses secara remote, maka gateway akan meminta user memasukkan alamat remote host yang akan
di akses.Saat pengguna mengirimkan useer ID serta informasi lainnya yang sesuai maka gateway akan melakukan hubungan terhadap aplikasi tersebut yang terdapat pada remote host, dan menyalurkan data diantara kedua titik. apabila data tersebut tidak sesuai maka firewall tidak akan meneruskan data tersebut atau menolaknya. Lebih jauh lagi, pada tipe ini Firewall dapat di konfigurasikan untuk hanya mendukung
beberapa aplikasi saja dan menolak aplikasi lainnya untuk melewati firewall.
Kelebihannya adalah relatif lebih aman daripada tipe packet filtering router lebih mudah untuk memeriksa (audit) dan mendata (log) semua aliran data yang masuk pada level aplikasi. Kekurangannya adalah pemrosesan tambahan yang berlebih pada setiap hubungan. yang akan
mengakibatkan terdapat dua buah sambungan koneksi antara pemakai dan gateway, dimana gateway akan memeriksa dan meneruskan semua arus dari dua arah.

3. Circuit-level Gateway
Tipe ketiga ini dapat merupakan sistem yang berdiri sendiri , atau juga dapat merupakan fungsi khusus yang terbentuk dari tipe application-level gateway.tipe ini tidak mengijinkan koneksi TCP end to end (langsung)
Cara kerjanya : Gateway akan mengatur kedua hubungan tcp tersebut, 1 antara dirinya (gw) dengan TCP pada pengguna lokal (inner host) serta 1 lagi antara dirinya (gw) dengan TCP pengguna luar (outside host). Saat dua buah hubungan terlaksana, gateway akan menyalurkan TCP segment dari satu hubungan ke lainnya tanpa memeriksa isinya. Fungsi pengamanannya terletak pada penentuan hubungan mana yang di ijinkan. Penggunaan tipe ini biasanya dikarenakan administrator percaya dengan pengguna internal (internal


Tipe-Tipe Firewall

1 .Packet Filtering Router
Packet Filtering diaplikasikan dengan cara mengatur semua packet IP baik yang menuju, melewati atau akan dituju oleh packet tersebut. Pada tipe ini packet tersebut akan diatur apakah akan di terima dan diteruskan atau di tolak. Penyaringan packet ini di konfigurasikan untuk menyaring packet yang akan di transfer secara dua arah (baik dari dan ke jaringan lokal). Aturan penyaringan didasarkan pada header IP dan transport header, termasuk juga alamat awal(IP) dan alamat tujuan (IP), protokol transport yang di gunakan(UDP,TCP), serta nomor port yang digunakan. Kelebihan dari tipe ini adalah mudah untuk di implementasikan, transparan untuk pemakai, relatif lebih cepat.

Adapun kelemahannya adalah cukup rumitnya untuk menyetting paket yang akan difilter secara tepat, serta lemah dalam hal authentikasi.

Adapun serangan yang dapat terjadi pada firewall dengan tipe ini adalah:

 IP address spoofing : Intruder (penyusup) dari luar dapat melakukan ini dengan cara menyertakan/menggunakan ip address jaringan lokal yang telah diijinkan untuk melalui firewall.
 Source routing attacks : Tipe ini tidak menganalisa informasi routing sumber IP, sehingga memungkinkan untuk membypass firewall.
 Tiny Fragment attacks : Intruder membagi IP kedalam bagian-bagian (fragment) yang lebih kecil dan memaksa terbaginya informasi mengenai TCP header. Serangan jenis ini di design untuk menipu aturan penyaringan yang bergantung kepada informasi dari TCP header.
Penyerang berharap hanya bagian (fragment) pertama saja yang akan di periksa dan sisanya akan bisa lewat dengan bebas. Hal ini dapat di tanggulangi dengan cara menolak semua packet dengan protokol TCP dan memiliki Offset = 1 pada IP fragment (bagian IP)

2. Application-Level Gateway
Application-level Gateway yang biasa juga di kenal sebagai proxy server yang berfungsi untuk memperkuat/menyalurkan arus aplikasi. Tipe ini akan mengatur semua hubungan yang menggunakan layer aplikasi ,baik itu FTP, HTTP, GOPHER dll.
Cara kerjanya adalah apabila ada pengguna yang menggunakan salah satu aplikasi semisal FTP untuk mengakses secara remote, maka gateway akan meminta user memasukkan alamat remote host yang akan
di akses.Saat pengguna mengirimkan useer ID serta informasi lainnya yang sesuai maka gateway akan melakukan hubungan terhadap aplikasi tersebut yang terdapat pada remote host, dan menyalurkan data diantara kedua titik. apabila data tersebut tidak sesuai maka firewall tidak akan meneruskan data tersebut atau menolaknya. Lebih jauh lagi, pada tipe ini Firewall dapat di konfigurasikan untuk hanya mendukung
beberapa aplikasi saja dan menolak aplikasi lainnya untuk melewati firewall.
Kelebihannya adalah relatif lebih aman daripada tipe packet filtering router lebih mudah untuk memeriksa (audit) dan mendata (log) semua aliran data yang masuk pada level aplikasi. Kekurangannya adalah pemrosesan tambahan yang berlebih pada setiap hubungan. yang akan
mengakibatkan terdapat dua buah sambungan koneksi antara pemakai dan gateway, dimana gateway akan memeriksa dan meneruskan semua arus dari dua arah.

3. Circuit-level Gateway
Tipe ketiga ini dapat merupakan sistem yang berdiri sendiri , atau juga dapat merupakan fungsi khusus yang terbentuk dari tipe application-level gateway.tipe ini tidak mengijinkan koneksi TCP end to end (langsung)
Cara kerjanya : Gateway akan mengatur kedua hubungan tcp tersebut, 1 antara dirinya (gw) dengan TCP pada pengguna lokal (inner host) serta 1 lagi antara dirinya (gw) dengan TCP pengguna luar (outside host). Saat dua buah hubungan terlaksana, gateway akan menyalurkan TCP segment dari satu hubungan ke lainnya tanpa memeriksa isinya. Fungsi pengamanannya terletak pada penentuan hubungan mana yang di ijinkan. Penggunaan tipe ini biasanya dikarenakan administrator percaya dengan pengguna internal (internal




Firewall merupakan suatu cara atau mekanisme yang diterapkan baik terhadap hardware, software ataupun sistem itu sendiri dengan tujuan untuk melindungi, baik dengan menyaring, membatasi atau bahkan menolak suatu atau semua hubungan/kegiatan suatu segmen pada jaringan pribadi dengan jaringan luar yang bukan merupakan ruang lingkupnya. Segmen tersebut dapat merupakan sebuah workstation, server, router, atau local area network (LAN) anda.

Firewall untuk komputer, pertama kali dilakukan dengan menggunakan prinsip “non-routing” pada sebuah Unix host yang menggunakan 2 buah network interface card, network interface card yang pertama dihubungkan ke internet (jaringan lain) sedangkan yang lainnya dihubungkan ke pc (jaringan lokal)(dengan catatan tidak terjadi “route” antara kedua network interface card di pc ini). Untuk dapat terkoneksi dengan Internet(jaringan lain) maka harus memasuki server firewall (bisa secara remote, atau langsung), kemudian menggunakan resource yang ada pada komputer ini untuk berhubungan dengan Internet(jaringan lain), apabila perlu untuk menyimpan file/data maka dapat menaruhnya sementara di pc firewall anda, kemudian mengkopikannya ke pc(jaringan lokal). Sehingga internet(jaringan luar) tidak dapat berhubungan langsung dengan pc(jaringan lokal) . Dikarenakan masih terlalu banyak kekurangan dari metoda ini, sehingga dikembangkan berbagai bentuk, konfigurasi dan jenis firewall dengan berbagai policy(aturan) didalamnya.

Firewall secara umum di peruntukkan untuk melayani :
  1. Mesin/Komputer, Setiap mesin/komputer yang terhubung langsung ke jaringan luar atau internet dan menginginkan semua yang terdapat pada komputernya terlindungi.
  2. Jaringan, Jaringan komputer yang terdiri lebih dari satu buah komputer dan berbagai jenis topologi jaringan yang digunakan, baik yang di miliki oleh perusahaan, organisasi dsb.

Karakteristik sebuah firewall

  1. Seluruh hubungan/kegiatan dari dalam ke luar , harus melewati firewall. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara memblok/membatasi baik secara fisik semua akses terhadap jaringan Lokal, kecuali
  2. melewati firewall. Banyak sekali bentuk jaringan yang memungkinkan agar konfigurasi ini terwujud.
  3. Hanya Kegiatan yang terdaftar/dikenal yang dapat melewati/melakukan hubungan, hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengatur policy pada konfigurasi keamanan lokal. Banyak sekali jenis firewall yang dapat dipilih sekaligus berbagai jenis policy yang ditawarkan.
  4. Firewall itu sendiri haruslah kebal atau relatif kuat terhadap serangan/kelemahan. hal ini berarti penggunaan sistem yang dapat dipercaya dan dengan system yang relatif aman.

Teknik yang digunakan oleh sebuah firewall
  1. Service control (kendali terhadap layanan) Berdasarkan tipe-tipe layanan yang digunakan di Internet dan boleh diakses baik untuk kedalam ataupun keluar firewall. Biasanya firewall akan mencek no IP Address dan juga nomor port yang di gunakan baik pada protokol TCP dan UDP, bahkan bisa dilengkapi software untuk proxy yang akan menerima dan menterjemahkan setiap permintaan akan suatu layanan sebelum mengijinkannya. Bahkan bisa jadi software pada server itu sendiri , seperti layanan untuk web ataupun untuk mail.
  2. Direction Conrol (kendali terhadap arah) Berdasarkan arah dari berbagai permintaan (request) terhadap layanan yang akan dikenali dan diijinkan melewati firewall.
  3. User control (kendali terhadap pengguna) Berdasarkan pengguna/user untuk dapat menjalankan suatu layanan, artinya ada user yang dapat dan ada yang tidak dapat menjalankan suatu servis,hal ini di karenakan user tersebut tidak di ijinkan untuk melewati firewall. Biasanya digunakan untuk membatasi user dari jaringan lokal untuk mengakses keluar, tetapi bisa juga diterapkan untuk membatasi terhadap pengguna dari luar.
  4. Behavior Control (kendali terhadap perlakuan) Berdasarkan seberapa banyak layanan itu telah digunakan. Misal, firewall dapat memfilter email untuk menanggulangi/mencegah spam.


Penulis SMS Tercepat

Seorang wanita asal Singapura, Kimberly Yeo (pada saat itu berumur 23 tahun – Mr. Riouzy), menciptakan rekor dunia baru untuk penulis SMS tercepat, lewat catatan waktunya 43,26 detik.

Ini merupakan rekor baru dunia untuk penulis SMS tercepat, setelah sebelumnya rekor tersebut disandang oleh James Trusler dari Sydney dengan catatan waktu 67 detik.

Dalam kompetisi tersebut, Yeo diharuskan untuk mengetik kalimat yang sudah disiapkan oleh Guiness World Record yang berbunyi “ The razor-tooth piranhas of the Genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality them seldom attack a human.” Tanpa menggunakan fiture bantuan apapun seperti fitur Predictive Text.

Kabarnya dalam kesehariannya Yeo termasuk pengguna berat SMS. Setidaknya ia selalu mengirimkan minimal 1500 SMS dalam sebulan.


Obama (Born to be The Worlds Superhero)

Mumpung lagi dapet inspirasi buat posting di blog nich!!! Gimana gak dapet inspirasi, wong esuk-esuk, durung mandi, wis ngerokok sembari nyeruput kopi mocca!!! Bagus… waaallllaaaahhh… Bagus… !!!!! Talking… Talking… David Beckham ya….?! Hee… Hee…

Pagi ini Mr. Riouzy melihat berita tentang kemenangan Barrack Obama yang menjadi orang kulit hitam pertama yang sudah berhasil meng-eksistensikan dirinya sebagai presiden “Yu Es Sey” terpilih. Tapi sebenernya bukan itu yang mau Mr. Riouzy sampaikan karena udah gak aneh bila Obama yang sudah 2 periode menjabat sebagai senator asal Partai Democrate ini menang dalam pertempuran sengitnya melawan John. Mc.Cain pada U.S.A Election 2008, mengingat Obama selalu unggul atas rivalnya tersebut di berbagai ajang media polling di belahan Benua Amerika.

Justru yang lebih mengherankan Mr. Riouzy adalah kemenangan presiden kulit hitam pertama di negara adikuasa “Uncle Sam” ini disambut dengan sangat luar biasa oleh berbagai homo sapiens yang tersebar di berbagai belahan dunia, layaknya penyambutan sang Superhero “Superman” yang baru saja berhasil tokoh kartun antagonis Lex Luthor Si Botak Jahanam. Terang saja hal ini disebabkan karena terkecewakannya warga bumi atas 2 periode kepemimpinan George W. Bush Jr. yang mungkin menurut Mr. Riouzy sich dia terlalu over dengan ambisinya yang ingin mendapat pengakuan warga bumi sebagai The Terorist Slayers, yang kenyataanya justru berbalik, ia malah banyak dikecam atas kebijakan-kebijakan luar negerinya dalam memberantas terorisme. Go to Hell Bush!!

Kalo menurut Mr. Riouzy sich, fenomena ini terjadi karena The Black Pearl indo Afrika-Amerika ini telah membuat jatuh cintrong tidak hanya sebagian besar rakyat Amerika, namun sebagian besar penghuni Planet Bumi dengan kharisma gaya kepemimpinan “Culture of Leadership” dan juga program-program universalnya sehingga tak berlebihan bila Mr. Riouzy menganugerahinya jabatan “The President of Universe”, dan tidak menutup kemungkinan pula jika “Media Massa Terkenal” yang konon katanya pada setiap Sunday Edition, beratnya dapat mencapai 1 Kg per-exemplar dan juga menghabiskan 10.000 batang pohon (The New York Times) akan menganugerahinya julukan “Man Of The Year”!! Chayoo… Obama…!! Mr. Riouzy mendukungmu!!


How To Make Blog, Web Hosting And AdSense At WordPress

as information, that in this time precisely several weeks ago if dns to 000webhost. com turn into ns01.000webhost. com and ns02.000webhost. com, so that postingan i am my earlier turns into Justify Fullto like this.
at typing browser: co. cc

then will enter on page web face co. cc, afterwards choose: “get free domain”
afterwards insert in box kailable to name domain you, example: freedomain, this is later if accepted and there is no that wear will be name from domain you, so that your web address is “freedomain. co. cc”

after be approved that must you look at domain free or you are asked to pay. if name whom you choose a while ago free so after you put into name then press “enter” will appear message “availabel free” but if pay usually appear “…$ /years” if appear such as those which end, do over until appear such as those which beginning.

afterwards you are asked to do registration domain, will follow then you will meet box that order you put into e-mail you and password, this is special for the things ever register domain. if not yet. choose new account situated rather be box. your the kernel puts self data and e-mail you. every e-mail at co. cc can be used to make 3 names domain. then you must register, remember then e-mail and password.

afterwards will appear yard that prepare 2 choices for domain you (freedomain. co. cc) that is:

option 1: manage dns (advanced service / it can be memfficult). and
option 2: url forwarding (simple service / it is easy to everyone

choose option 1, then don't forget to click manage name servers(ns).
then fill in in:

server name 1 with: ns01.000webhost. com
name server 2 with: ns02.000webhost. com

terminate with click setup domain. until this finished maker process domain.
furthermore because you use name server from 000webhost. com so now you must do registration at 000webhost. com, at your browser inserts 000webhost. com then choose order now, then insert name domain you a while ago (here for example: freedomain. co. cc) and all that asked there. follow the command. and read every instruction from perintah2. if you are asked for confirmation passes e-mail follow and open e-mail you then follow the command from there.

after finished you at will give list account that explain email and your password, cpanel user and password, ftp host, user ftp, and password ftp. usually user and password ftp equal to user and password cpanel. if you stop until here you leav at the post until domain you are mobile that is approximately 2 times 24 clocks.
to put into or install wordpress here there two manners:
you can upload self file wordpress if not yet has you can download from wordpress. org pass site software exist in cpanel. mean you must logging formerly at cpanel. at browser types: (name domain you that is: freedomain. co. cc/cpanel) insert user and password from list account you a while ago. afterwards choose site software. as information begins this april month 000webhost. com prepare service fantastico. so besides site your software can choose fantastico or one click mintenance.

if you wear fantastico, after you will click software will appear yard fantastico then will choose wordpress then will follow the command. after all your process have followed to mean finished you have done installs wordpress. and installation result wordpress located in directory public_html.
mean to open your yard lives to inscribe: freedomain. co. cc (as according to name domain you a while ago).

for replacement theme and the other same like blog at …wordpress. com.
for that want increase theme mean must upload theme self. to get theme you can downloaded freely at website wordpress in the form of zip folder later before mengupload must at exstract formerly but upload so rather long.
afterwards please upload file theme in directory themes at hosting you; so the location at: public_html/wp-content/themes
to pair code adsense you must do change in chmode in every themes that you will use. this matter is to shows button “update” in every part at themes editor later.

for that enter at manager file from cpanel you, choose wp-content, then themes, then will open folder themes that you will use and say the word to tick off all in his files. afterwards click change permision then say the word to tick off again on page that appear and terminate with click change permision again.

to replaced theme enter at domain you (are example = freedomain. co. cc/wp-login. php) then insert user and password whom you got moment install wordpress a while ago. remember don't until forget password. usually user always admin. afterwards you will enter in facia blog or your web. live to choose “presentation”àlalu theme-àlalu choose teheme that you are fox chmode he a while ago.

to put into code adsense or java script choose theme editor, then will choose files everything that you will use to will put code adsense. for example l-sidebar, mean in general you put code adsense at part lajur(kolom) left side if r_sidebar mean column right side. terminate with click update.


Five Tips To Make Money Fast In Forex Trading

this article is full about forex trading that can make you are rich and we shall give several conventional investment suggestions. why? because a large part trader forex follow norm and produce average profit, temporary this article about how print profit spectacular and make money melaju lickety split.

Ending Point

here we shall consider you have detected base trading, and you has good methodology to trading forex, and able posed discipline. what shall we show, how to change from average profit is spectacular profit, only meagrely change in trading you, money management, and patterned thinking.

trading forex potential bring us in fast monetary circulation. let us look at matters follows:

Get Market Volatility (Movement Not Menentu) And Risk Conveniently

all systems trading forex good certain can mentoleransi volatility. you can not get method trading that bring profit otherwise able get risk, and get loss. if you don't be receptive this, so don't trading.

many trader that step back from market because say too risky, however risik also mean reward! if you a trader and out of conceit with volatility, so look for alternative other for you do.

drawdown one part from trading. make trading forex be fun and highly profitable volatility (movement market not menentu). to trader forex enough experienced, drawdown not a certain to intimidated, but fitting matter is enjoyed. remember: volatility = big opportunity!

Trading Infrequently (Trading Not Too Often)

many trader often do trading and always like moment step into market. they think that in life trading forex, will not reside in market will mean will lose so much will chance, or equally they berpikiran that with will step market as often as may be so they will creat more mint of moneyer – wrong!

big movement in trading forex with comparison risk-reward best only will come several times in one year. therefore you must trading infrequently. focus in trading that can get big profit.

Don't Do Diversification

diversification suggestion that acceptable, trusted by many investors in world trading forex, but this will not make your money will enter faster, exactly this will work on the contrary.

Money Management

so far, may be you consider this article too reckless, but the troubleshoot not there. this article is berfokus in chances big that make possible us to get profit very mean, where ‘money management’ be matter of vital importance.

if you dare to take risk, that mean you must can to controls it. take risk to every trading you biggest 10%.

Comprehend Strength From Growth

in trading forex, manner to speed up rapid entering realize strength from growth. for example, if you menarget profit 50% in one year, so you berpeluang to change account 20,000 be millions dollar bot more in 10 year.


How to Get Approval from Google Adsense

confused list google adsense repeatedly but not yet -approve? how does manner so that enrollment google adsense we fast -approve? may be tips next can help. before sign-up google adsense, there necessary we look at. sign-up as publisher google adsense doesn't as we sign-up to get email or blog free, although sign-up adsense also free. many publisher in all the world that try ‘bermain api’ with adsense, but finally account adsense they are -banned or disable, alias closed forever. if -banned, so we can not again register self by the name of and address same forever. google very very serious in this case.

well, if understand with warning on and ready for be publisher adsense, so we are necessary prepare several things so that our enrollments is easy -approve.

first, we must has site or blog. this absolute rules because adsense only may displayed at site yard. if we are not yet has site, we can make a blog as site that we shall register. so that easier -approve as publisher adsense, several tips may be can help:

  1. make account email from google (gmail) because gmail service product google also. for not yet has account gmail can read the pilot at pilot make email at google
  2. our email account will be used also as account blogger and account google adsense all at once. so best we simplify our self with sign-ups gmail in advance.
  3. use blog free from blogger (especially if not yet has site other) to registerred concurrent our self enrollment. for not yet know, blogger also be service product from google.

second, contents site/blog we must as according to willing by google. contents site/blog best:

  • use language -support google, one of them english. don't ever will register site/blog with indonesian because will not -approve. for not english cock, i there are some tips later can you read at my study case. . this english use only at the (time) of sign-ups, if later -approve so advertisement adsense can we display at your country site.
  • contents site must related one another, has discussion theme sameness. don't until there contents not nyambung the criticism one with other.
  • don't ever fill site/blog with article at copy-paste from site article other. don't take another person site contents as contents site/blog we, although with trik will whatever because google will know that contents we bot a result of ourselves work and break copyright. i don't say that by copy-paste our site is certain be aversed, but i and friends has tried repeatedly with all trik but up to today not membuah result. best ‘type self your article! ’ but also don't type to repeat another person site article, because all the same with copy-paste a while ago. google wish for something that fresh and doesn't break copyright.
  • contents/article contents don't too a little, more many better but must keep in touch one another. to blog minimal has 10 or more postingan.
  • site may not full to the effect that pornographic, hard words and abuse, sara and violence, about hacking/cracking, ilegal/criminal activity, drug, gambling/casino, victimization, alcoholic drink promotion, and may not break another person copyright. the main must has family safe, matters that defy world cyber law also real world law best don't putted into to into site/blog that we shall register.
  • contents site/blog we must has informative and be of benefit to site visitor. google very gl with site that like this.

third, before registerred to ascertain site/blog we thoroughly finished and not in working stage. don't there broken link or link can not open yard that meant. investigate site/blog up to we don't find deficit and error again.

fourth, if we are registered as member affiliasi or referral site other, can we insert but try at least connected sengan theme site/blog. don't put into affiliation/referral doesn't connected absolutely. and above all, don't display advertisement ppc another because google doesn't want advertisement adsense put concurrent with advertisement ppc of a kind from company another (likes ypn or chitika). try only affiliation/referral.

fifth, if make possible there is nothing wrong insert pothouse video from youtube at blog blogger, because youtube also be family google in this time.

sixth, prepare our official identity appropriate identity card. don't ever sign-up adsense with different data, for example name, don't use unique name or nickname. because at the (time) of liquefy cheque from google at bank, so bank operator needs identity card as our identity proof valid. if name included at payment cheque google with our identity card is differ, so our cheque will not be liquefied. mortallyer again, once -approve registered by the name of, so there is no possibility for us to change our name at account adsense. therefore, data contents as according to our identity card and write address with your language, anyway, deliver the payment cheque to our house … if cheque doesn't find our address, so payment cheque will be returned to google.

for not yet 17 years old or not yet has identity card, best register self with parents identity so that easy moment administer to exchage cheque with money. with prepare matters on, now we ready have registerred self as candidate publisher google adsense.


How to Make Money From Your Website

by Christopher Heng,

Now that you've created a website, how do you make money from it? There are at least two ways in which sites can make money:

  1. Advertising Revenue
  2. Selling Goods and Services

I shall deal with the second case, "Selling goods and services", in another article. In this article, I will address the issue of how your site can actually make money from advertising.

Making Money From Advertising

If you look at many websites, you will probably notice that there are banner advertisements displayed on most pages. If you are a newcomer to the scene, you might think that you must either be a company or that your site must be famous before you can get advertisers, just as it is the case in hardcopy publications.

In reality, anyone with a website can get advertisers. While it is true that if your site is well-known, you may get companies contacting you to offer to advertise on your site, you can get advertising revenue even if you are just starting out and your site is relatively unknown.

The way to do this is to join as an "affiliate" of various sites, either directly, or through an affiliate network. An affiliate network is simply an intermediary where you can select from a variety of advertisers.

Payment Schemes

Before joining any program, you should probably be aware of the different payment schemes available.

1. Pay Per Impression (CPM)

Here, you are paid according to the number of times the advertiser's banner is displayed on your site. The amount you earn is typically calculated based on the number of thousand impressions of the banner (impressions = number of times the banner is displayed), often abbreviated CPM (cost per thousand, with the M being the Latin numeral for thousand). That is, $5 CPM means that you get paid $5 for 1,000 displays of the banner. In general, the amount paid is usually small, but it is easy to earn since everytime a visitor loads the page, you earn. This is known as a "high conversion rate". Needless to say, this method will allow you to automatically earn more if your site attracts a lot of visitors.

2. Pay Per Click (PPC)

When you are paid per click, you are only paid when visitors click the advertiser's banner on your site. The amount paid is usually higher than the pay per impression scheme. Whether you get a high conversion rate here depends on the banner (whether it attracts people to click it), although in general, it has a higher conversion rate than the pay per sale method. A high traffic site will probably enjoy a higher click rate than a lower traffic site, although you will probably get better results if your banners are carefully selected to suit the target audience of your site.

3. Pay Per Sale or Lead

While you will probably get the highest payment rates with this method, it has the lowest conversion rate of the three schemes. You will only earn if your visitors click through the banner and either purchase an item from the advertiser or take some other prescribed action (eg, sign up for a service). Like the Pay Per Click method, you get much better results if you carefully select your advertisers to suit the target audience of your site.

In general, to avoid wasting resources in issuing cheques for very small amounts, advertisers will usually accrue the amount owing to you until it reaches a certain level (such as $25) before they pay you.

Where to Find Affiliate Programs

You can find a list of affiliate programs and affiliate networks on's Affiliate Program page at

To join an affiliate network or program, simply go to the site and complete their online application form. Some programs will give you instant approval while others require a human to check out your application before it is approved. Once it is approved, you'll be given some HTML code which you can cut and paste into your web page. Note that some affiliate networks and programs will not accept you unless you have your own domain name. If you are planning to earn from your site, you should seriously consider registering your own domain name.

How To Choose An Affiliate Program

How should you choose an affiliate program? My suggestion is not to choose a program according to the payment scheme, but rather according to the kind of people who are likely to visit your website. For example, if you are targeting parents on your site, links to affiliates with educational software, books and the like may generate more revenue than banners that link to web hosting companies. The most important rule of choosing an affiliate program is to know your target audience.

Another point to consider is whether you really want to join every single affiliate program that comes your way. Some studies suggest that sites that make the most money from affiliate programs are affiliates of only a small handful of programs. Furthermore, concentrating your advertisements from one network may allow you to be paid faster. If you advertise for hundreds of different affiliate networks on your site, you may wind up earning only (say) a few dollars per month from each network. If your advertiser's minimum payment amount is higher than what you can earn each month, it may take you a long time before you accrue enough to be paid.

On the other hand, that formula does not necessarily hold true for every site (or every page on your site, for that matter). For example, if your site has a particular theme, and an affiliate network only supports one or two suitable advertisers, you might want to sign up for a few affiliate networks so as to get a greater number of relevant advertisers. After all, advertisements that are relevant to your audience are more likely to be taken up than general advertisements. (What's the point of putting banners from only one affiliate if nobody is going to click them?)

Automated Context-Sensitive Advertising

One of the latest trends in website sponsorship is to sign up with an advertising network like Google AdSense The advertising network automatically checks your web page and determines the most relevant advertisement for the page. As a result, without much additional effort from you, you get advertisements targeted at the interests of your visitors. As mentioned earlier, targeted ads tend to result in better performance and returns.

Get Started

Advertising revenue is one of the most effortless way to earn money from your site. You merely have to put the banner there and wait for the money to roll in. (Well, okay, not quite. You will still need to have some visitors first before you can make anything.)

Why wait? If you already have a website, let it earn even while you sleep (literally). Every day you let your site "idle" without advertising is a day of lost opportunity.

All the best in your endeavour! Remember also to check out our other article, Increasing Your Affiliate Program Income, for more tips on earning from your website:

Copyright 2000-2007 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.


Accepting Credit Cards on Your Website

Are you thinking of selling things on the web? If so, you will probably also be considering some way in which you can accept credit cards on your site. Since new webmasters who visit often ask me about how they can get started accepting payments in this form, this article provides some basic information on adding credit card payment facilities to your website.

Why Do It?

Credit card payments allow you to take advantage of the following types of customers:

  1. Impulse buyers. After reading your advertisements and hype on your site, buyers would be all fired up about your product. If they have a means of making a purchase immediately, you've secured that sale. If you only allow cheque payments, the additional time it takes for them to get their cheque book and mail out the cheque may be a deterrence. They may also have second thoughts later.
  2. International customers. Credit card payment is a tremendous convenience if your customers are overseas. It automatically takes care of the problems of currency differences as well as the time it takes for a cheque to travel to the vendor. You will lose a large number of overseas customers if cheque payment is the only way you can accept payment.

Methods of Accepting Credit Card Payments

There are actually two ways in which you can accept credit cards on your site.

  1. Using Your Own Merchant Account. To do this, you will need a bank that will allow you to open a merchant account. Requirements for this will vary from country to country, and you should check with your local banks for more information on this.
  2. Through a Third Party Merchant. There are numerous companies around that are willing to accept credit cards payments on your behalf in exchange for various fees and percentages.

Which Method Should You Use?

The initial costs of opening your own merchant account is usually higher than when you use a third party merchant. Indeed, some third party merchants have no setup fee at all.

However, the transaction fee (which is what you pay the bank or third party merchant for each sale) is much higher when you use a third party as compared to when using your own merchant account.

A third party merchant is usually convenient to use when you don't know if you can actually make much out of your product or service. If you just want to test the water to see how things are, this is usually a good way to start. It is also convenient in that the merchant takes care of everything for you. You just get a cheque at the end of each payment period (if you have earned enough) and concentrate on your products, services and customers.

Having your own merchant account accords your business with a certain amount of professionalism. And, as mentioned earlier, your transaction costs are usually much lower. However you have to be careful to minimize your credit card risks since you'll be processing the credit card payments yourself. This is not to say that there are no risks attendant in using a third party merchant.

Some Third Party Merchants

Here's a list of some third party merchants that you might want to consider if you're looking for ways to accept credit card payments. Except for PayPal, I have not tried any of them myself (as a vendor) so I cannot vouch for any of them. Check them out carefully and use them at your own risk.

Note that rates and stuff that I publish below were correct at the time I investigated these vendors. It may have changed by the time you read this since the merchants tend to modify their rates from time to time according to market conditions.

The list is arranged alphabetically.

CCBill: There are no setup fees. Transaction fees vary (I can't find the schedule though) depending on the volume of sales in each accounting period. According to their website, "these fees are never more than 13.5% of revenues charged during this one-week period for CWIE hosting clients and 14.5% for non-hosting clients".

CCNow: This is only for people who ship tangible, physical products. There is no setup fee, and they charge 9% per transaction except in the November and December where the fees are 8% per transaction (yes, lower).

Clickbank: There is a one time setup fee (US$49.95) and a transaction fee of US$1 plus 7.5% of sale price. There are no other monthly fees. This is only for people who sell services or deliver products over the internet (not for those who need to ship physical products).

Kagi: Kagi's fees seem to vary according to the order size, type of item sold and the type of payment (credit card, cash, money order) used by your customer.

PayPal: This well-known service allows you to set up a Premier or Business account (you can't receive credit card payments using a Personal account). The charges range between 1.9% + $0.30 USD to 2.9% + $0.30 USD for each transaction if you are in the US. Non-US users are charged different amounts according to the country. From experience, I find this service easy and fast to setup.

ProPay: A new competitor to PayPal (see elsewhere on this page) that currently only caters to US residents. Depending on the type of account you sign up for, you have to pay an annual fee (starting from $34.95) as well as transaction fees of 3.5% + $0.35 USD. However, to accept cards like American Express and Discover, you have to use their more expensive plans.

RegNow: Designed for software authors to sell their ware, this merchant charges a one-time activation fee of $19.95 USD plus a transaction fee of 6.9% plus $1 USD per unit for their commission (minimum $2 USD charge). They also provide you with facilities that allows you to easily set up an affiliate program.

Trying It Out

Whichever you choose, if you are selling things on the Internet, you really have not much choice but to accept credit cards. You probably don't know what you missed until you try it out.

All the best in your business!

Copyright 2000-2007 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved


How to Add Google Advertisements (Google AdSense) to Your Blog or Website

On occasion, a visitor will write to me at asking how they can get Google advertisements to their website. While this may seem very obvious to those who have read my article on How to Make Money From Your Website or visited the list of free advertisers for web publishers on's Affiliate Programs: Free Sponsors and Advertisers page, I decided that an article explaining briefly the steps involved will probably be useful for a number of people.

What is Google AdSense?

Adsense is Google's advertising network that places those sponsored ads you see on many websites. Google automatically checks the web page it places the ads on and displays advertisements that are relevant to the page. This produces highly targeted adverts for the page, allowing, hopefully, higher returns for the advertiser, the advertising network (Google) and the publisher (you).

Before You Start

You must have an existing website before you apply to the Google AdSense program. If you don't already have one, read the The Beginner's A-Z Guide to Making Your Own Websiteto get started with your site first. The Google AdSense team reviews your site before accepting new applications, so you must first put up a working website and not just some "under construction" page. For example, if you are starting a personal blog, post a few articles about yourself or your experiences first.

Steps to Getting Google AdSense Ads on Your Site

1. Apply to Google

When your site is fully functional, apply to Google AdSense. You can find AdSense listed among other advertisers in's Affiliate Programs: Free Sponsors and Advertisers page.

Google will then send you an email to verify your email address. Follow the instructions in that message (which is basically to click a link). Once you do that, your application will be sent to the Google AdSense team, one of whom will pop by your website to review it. Don't hold your breadth though, it may take a couple of days before they get around to your site. During this time, if your site is a blog, continue to post to it as per normal.

2. Configure Your Ads

Once your account is approved, you can log into your account to get the necessary HTML code to paste into your blog or web page. The code can be found in the "AdSense Setup" tab. There are a number of options, but the code for the context-sensitive advertisements can be located under the "AdSense for Content" link. You'll be able to customize the appearance of the advertisements, choose between text advertisements, image ads or a mixture of both. Once you have finished configuring, you will be given some HTML code which you can cut and paste into your site.

There are other types of adverts beside the context-sensitve ads. "AdSense for Search" provides you with a Google search box that you can place on your site. When your visitors search through that box, and click an advertisement, it will be as though they had clicked an ad on your site. "Referrals" provide you with ads for specific products.

3. Pasting the Google AdSense Code onto Your Blog or Web Page

Make sure that when you insert the code into your site, you insert it as HTML. Instructions for doing this in different WYSIWYG web editors can be found here:

If you run a blog, you may want to paste the code into your blog's template instead of individually stuffing it into every post you make. For blogs hosted on Blogger, one of the free blogging services listed on the Free Blog Hosts page, you can use my tutorial on How to Insert Google AdSense Advertisements in a Blogger Blog to help you insert your advert.

4. Entering Your PIN into the Google Site

When your earnings reach a certain amount (it was US $10 the last time I checked) for the first time, Google will send you a card by snail mail (ordinary paper mail) with a series of characters printed on it. You will need to log into your AdSense account and enter this series of characters, the PIN, before they will send you any payments. It takes a while before this card is sent (a few weeks after you reach the threshold amount they define, depending on where you live), so just wait for it. You will only have to do this once in the life of the account.

Cautionary Notes: Things to Look Out For

1. Never Click Your Own Google Ads

One of the things you must always remember is never click your own Google ads, even if it is to find out whether the site linked to is acceptable for your website's audience. Since (at this time) Google pays AdSense for Content ads according to the number of clicks, clicking your own ads is regarded as fraud, and will, at the very least, get you kicked out of the AdSense program.

Although Google doesn't say this, if you are showing off your blog or website to your family members, make sure they do not click any of your advertisements either. This is the case even if they are genuinely interested in the products advertised. They can always look for it by name in a search engine later if they wish, but for anyone living in your own household, any Google advert on your site is strictly off limits. The reason for this is that clicks from your household will look exactly like clicks from you.

2. Don't Expect a Fortune Unless You Have Traffic

Those who have read my article on How to Increase Your Website Revenue from Affiliate Programswill probably know that if you are just starting out with your site, you probably won't be able to make a fortune from your ads unless you have enough people visiting your website. This only comes after you have done some serious website promotion or advertising.

Be realistic: remember that even if someone clicks your ads, you may just get a cent or two from that click, assuming that Google doesn't discount that click for some reason. In addition, only a very miniscule percentage of your visitors will actually click ads. Put those factors together and you can roughly guess how much you are going to make if you only have a few visitors per day.

3. Don't Put Ads if You're Selling Something

If you can, try not to put Google AdSense ads or, in fact, any advertisements at all, if you are trying to sell a product or service on your website. There are a couple of reasons for this:

1. You may be inadvertantly advertising for your competitors. You cannot predict what sort of ads are going to pop up in the AdSense code for your site. What you see when you load your site may not necessarily be what your visitors see. If a competitor places an ad that Google finds relevant for your page (and it surely will, if Google's context-sensitive engine works correctly), then their ad will appear on your page. You may thus lose sales to that competitor as a result of the ads.

2. Ads distract your visitors from the real focus of your site. You want your users to read your sales copy, not clicking on links to go to some other site even if those links do not lead to your competitors.

Getting Started

If you already have a blog or a website, you can immediately apply to AdSense. If not, start your website now. These things take time to get into full swing, and you should not wait till you're desperately in need of money before starting.

Copyright © 2007-2008 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.


Koleksi Widget Cantik-Cantik Untuk Blog Kamu

Widget ternyata berasal dari pentas komedi tahun 1924 yang berjudul Beggar on Horseback. Cerita tentang seorang komposer yang harus memilih membuat musik untuk jiwa tapi gak dapat uang atau mendapatkan jiwanya mati didalam "widget" factory. Jadi secara etimologi widget itu tak terartikan tapi jelas memiliki fungsi sebagai wadah untuk obyek mekanis.

Widget amat sederhana, berguna dan mudah dipakai untuk membuat situs blog kita semakin cantik, tapi ingat jangan juga pasang widget banyak-banyak estetika desain harus tetap penting untuk sebuah situs yang baik.

Berikut ini daftar widget-widget yang banyak digunakan blogger walaupun sebenarnya jumlahnya jauh lebih banyak, diurutkan berdasarkan widget yang terpopuler :

1. MyBlogLog's Recent Readers - widget ini kepopulerannya bahkan membuat Yahoo membeli MyBlogLog. Digunakan untuk melihat avatar dari pengunjung terakhir saat ini yang juga merupakan member dari MyBlogLog.

2. Preview Anywhere (sekarang Snap ) - lihat preview dari link di dalam blog kita secara langsung dalam bentuk baloon yang kadang bisa mengganggu kadang berguna.

3. Mashable - dapatkan berita social networking terkini.

4. Flickr Flash Photo Stream Badge - tampilkan gambar-gambar dari Flickr kamu dengan animasi flash yang menarik

5. Twitter Badge - kalau kehidupan kamu sangat menarik dan harus di share dengan siapa saja, nah widget ini adalah pilihan yang cocok.

6. Digg News - tampilkan link terkini dari si raksasa bookmarking Digg langsung di blog kamu. Widgetnya cantik, themeable dan fully customizable.

7. FEEDJIT - Nah ini buat yang pengen tahu asal muasal pengunjung, realtime data trafik dengan informasi yang lumayan banyak bahkan ada petanya juga. Mr. Riouzy juga pasang tuch!!!

8. LineBuzz - Inline Comment untuk blog yang amat berguna kalau blognya sering digunakan untuk diskusi. Kaya chatting kesukaan kamu, jadi copot aja tuh shout! Brisik.. hahaha. Jadi cuma dengan satu baris javascript, para pembaca dapat memilih text mana yang mau dikomentari pada artikel tersebut.. Buzzz!

9. Flixn - Menampilkan webcam kamu langsung ke situs kamu.

10. 3jam - Nah ini kesukaanku yang pada doyan SMSan. Jadi pengunjung situs dapat mengirimkan pesan melalui situs langsung ke HP kamu tanpa perlu mereka tahu nomor kamu.

11. Jaxtr - Nih lebih seru lagi, pengunjung dapat langsung menelpon kamu melalui situs kamu dengan sekali lagi tanpa perlu tahu nomor HP kamu.

12. LinkedInABox - Buat yang seneng profilnya mejeng di mana-mana ini deh, widget ini dapat menampilkan personal profile kamu yang kamu sudah buat di situs linkedIn.

13. Box Widget - Pengunjung dapat menggunakan media penyimpanan online langsung dari website. "Share your files anywhere" seru kan! Buat tukang download atau mau sharing file ini widget sip banget.

14. ClockLink Menampilkan jam yang lucu-lucu buat situs kamu dan bisa banyak variasi time zone.

15. Daily Painters - Art Gallery, buat kamu pecinta seni lukis, widget ini menampilkan lukisan-lukisan dari para pelukias terkenal di dunia yang dapat kamu atur tema dan waktunya.

yang ini agak serem nih :lol web buat ngitung waktu hidup kita :twisted:
