
How to be a Power Stumbler on StumbleUpon

A week or two ago Andy pointed out an outstanding post about how the StumbleUpon algorithm is believed to work as described by Tim Nash.

However, the last part of the post is for guys like Tim and Andy who are much smarter than I :) So here is how to become a power Stumbler by increasing your audience score in extreme laymen terms:

1. Be the first to stumble stories that have a good chance of becoming popular. Being a frequent reader of the more popular blogs is a good way to do that. I don’t see anything wrong with stumbling your own posts as well, as long as you are only stumbling those which you believe contain awesome info.

2. Stumble alot. The more thumbs up or down you give, the stronger your stumbles will be. This is as simple as the obvious. Use the SU toolbar to stumble pages. I normally only stumble pages from friends.

3. Get as many fans as possible. In your account you’ll see the number of mutual friends and the number of fans. If someone adds you, but you don’t add them, they are your fans. Once you add them they are no longer fans; they are mutual friends. I’d imagine they are one in the same when it comes to the algorithm. So don’t be afraid to add friends! If you want to add me go for it, I’ll add you as well - and as I said, I frequently stumble friends pages, so I’ll more than likely stumble your pages if they are good.

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