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All right let’s put this straight: if you read Daily Blog Tips regularly, there are good chances that one day you will become a web celebrity. If that is the case, you should register before someone else does.

Now jokes apart, even if you just blog for hobby, I think it would be a wise idea to secure You never know what might happen in the future, what direction your career might take and so on, and for $9, registering your name on the Internet should definitely be worth it.

Take for example my situation. Right now I have no time whatsoever to start another project, even a small personal blog one. I am pretty sure that in the future I will want to share my personal opinions on different issues though, and perhaps even blog about topics like productivity or personal development. For that purpose I bought a while ago, and will just park it until I get the time or will to develop something on it.

Depending on your professional field, you could also use a website as a resume, and is definitely the right domain for such a site.

Finally, owning also reduces the chances of someone googling your name and finding the website of someone else. Google ergo sum is what they say. So what are you waiting for?
