
Domain name search

One of the best things you can do to improve your blog is buy your own domain. Free blog platforms like Blogger are fine to get a first contact with the blogosphere, but as soon as you decide that you will invest time in your blog I highly recommend that you buy a domain.

Once you decide to buy a domain you will need to search for domains that are not registered yet, but where exactly should you go? Below I will list 3 useful services for someone looking for domain names. you type the domain name and the server will check the availability with most of the extensions (.com, .net, .org, .biz, .us, .tv and so on). The advantage of this service is that, if the domain is already registered, it will also display the details of the registration (date, registrant, company, etc.).

Instant Domain Search: this site checks the availability of .com, .net and .org domains only. The advantage is that it reports the results in real time. As you type the domain you will see whether it is free or not, letter by letter.

Domains Bot: if you are having trouble finding a suitable domain this service will certainly help you. All you need to do is type one or more keywords and it will generate hundreds of suggestions.


great post , i like it lol,


hallo ...ada award nih buat blog kamu ..sebagai tanda persahabatan kita. Diambil yah.....:)


Artikelnya menarik sekali, tentunya akan membawa banyak manfaat kepada kita semua yang membacannya.
Oh ya sekalian deh mau ngucapin "selamat tahun baru 2010" yach buat anda semua pengunjung blog ini, semoga mendapatkan banyak rejeki dan sukses selalu karir ngeblognya.
Salam sukses ber-bisnis internet dari Blog Buat Bisnis. Segera mantapkan langkah anda di tahun baru ini dan songsonglah masa depan yang lebih baik, anda pasti bisa..!!

Yuk mampir ke blog saya untuk mendapatkan kenang-kenangan akhir tahun.
